Marine Water Testing: Are You Compliant?

Ocean-going vessels and static offshore installations need water to survive. Whether it’s for heating, cooling, drinking or simply supplying ballast, it’s a vital component of marine life. And while it’s important to maintain a supply, it’s even more vital that it’s done in a safe, hazard-free manner. For this reason alone, marine water testing is a hugely important aspect of the daily operations of every operator.

Water, whether it’s stored in huge tanks or circulated around complex systems, is always prone to infection. Minute organisms can develop into highly dangerous diseases in no time, so testing on a regular basis is a must. The incidences of water-borne biohazards have risen dramatically over the decades, and operators of both vessels and offshore installations need to be aware of the implications of a poor testing regime.

The ILO Maritime Labour Convention, which is ratified by more than half of the world’s sea-faring nations, covers legislation in relation to the testing and monitoring of on-board water systems. If you are an operator and your marine water testing systems are not adhering to the rules, you could be in for a very rude awakening. Thankfully, the solution is not too far away.

With marine water testing kits from MTS, you can closely monitor the quality of your water on a regular basis. We provide all you need for this extremely important process, including record-keeping which will help you to remain within the parameters of the legislation. It’s also important to understand that regular testing and monitoring can serve as a vital early warning system should potential issues start to appear.

The shipping industry is one of the most complex of them all, in part because operators need to be aware of the varying rules and regulations which can occur from one destination to the next. As more and more countries ratify the Maritime Labour Convention – the Republic of Korea became the latest to do so in January 2014 – adherence to the legislation is likely to become an increasingly crucial aspect of marine life.

With Marine Testing Solutions on your side, you can ensure your water remains safe and healthy for crew members, visitors, employees and passengers. Water plays an integral part in the efficient running of every ship and every offshore installation, so make sure you have the best marine water testing kits on board.

For more information contact us today.